Have you noticed more hair than usual in your brush or shower?

Have you noticed more hair than usual in your brush or shower?

How common is hair loss?

Hair loss in women is extremely common in Toronto. Around 49% of women will experience hair loss in their lifetime. Often, this loss is temporary, and the hair grows back, while it may be permanent for others.

What leads to hair loss in women?

Several types of hair loss can affect women, the most common being female pattern hair loss. The first signs of this condition are progressive thinning along the hairline or thinning at the crown of the head.

At Follicle HT Hair transplant clinic in Toronto, our board-certified surgeons, Dr Mark Korman and Dr Philip Solomon, understand that Factors such as genetics, the post-pregnancy period, menopause, significant medical events, anorexia, autoimmune disorders (such as alopecia areata), and hormonal conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) can contribute to hair loss.

Fluctuations in female hormone levels, particularly the decrease in estrogen during menopause, can lead to thinning and hair loss in some women. Changes in female hormone levels, particularly the decline in estrogen during menopause, can lead to thinning and hair loss in some people.

At Follicle HT Hair transplant clinic in Toronto, we specialize in hair loss treatment and understand that the reasons behind hair loss are extensive and intricate.

Does stress influence hair loss?

While alopecia areata is often attributed to stress, there is also an inverse relationship: hair loss can cause stress.

Nevertheless, some types of hair loss can be affected by stressful events. Situations such as considerable stress or traumatic events can induce hair loss. Hair loss can persist with ongoing stress, such as chronic anxiety or work-related stress.

Hair loss may begin two or three months after a stressful event, such as childbirth or a medical procedure. It’s not always necessary to treat this type of hair loss, as hair tends to grow back in these cases. However, if hair loss remains constant or there is no sign of regrowth after six months, it is advisable to consult a health professional. At Follicle HT Hair transplant clinic in Toronto, we have experts that can help.

Understanding Hair Loss and Seeking Assistance

On an average day, it’s normal to lose around 100 hairs, noticeable when you brush or wash your hair. However, any apparent deviation from this figure can cause concern.

In case of concern, women need to trust their instincts. If hair loss is significant while showering or brushing, it may be time to talk to a health professional. Bringing up the topic with a healthcare provider might require courage, but identifying a condition early on makes treatment more accessible. The emotional impact on self-esteem can be considerable for women. Hair loss can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and strained relationships. At Follicle HT Hair transplant clinic in Toronto, we create a non-judgemental, reassuring space for women to express their hair loss and restoration needs.

Contact FOLLICLE HT today and let us guide you towards health, vibrant hair and renewed self-esteem.

Book a consultation by visiting – Hair Loss in Women or call us at – (905) 764-7799

We invite you to explore the information on this website and encourage you to contact us to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. We can guide you through the process and help you make sense of the sometimes confusing or even misleading claims that you may be confronted with. We encourage you to take the first step toward restoring your confidence.

Visit the Follicle HT Clinic and let us show you the reality of modern hair restoration.